My first Blog was created a long time, but from the first moment was managed by WordPress. Unfortunately I can not compare it with other management tools to blogs because they simply never saw, but I can say with all certainty that WordPress always treated me completely!
For those who want to venture into this facility manager Blog, suggest a post Mark A.T. Silva, How to Install WordPress: tutorial for beginners. There is a step-by-step and nifty installing and configuring WordPress. Nothing too hard.
But if the matter is to upgrade the version of your WordPress, I suggest taking a look at post 2.5. Care!, because you can face the same problem as me.
In the most, when they are all working, search on Microsoft Writer, which is an excellent tool to assist you in publishing the posts.
And what I always say. If you create a personal page, create a blog. So you put content on your site! :)
excellent day, your web site is truly unquie. Anways, i do appreciate your work
Hello. I'm having trouble installing the program wordpress. I'm afraid to install here in the company pc, because I use mysql on a program for the issuance of electronic invoices. Can you help me create my blog? Or some link walkthrough?
Olá Bruno!
Look, thanks for the tutorial Citation. :)
A big hug!