I started in May 2015 MBA in Business Management at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the first class was about Strategic Management. Perhaps this discipline should not be the first, as the Strategic Management takes as its premise that a business already exists and, in theory, not leaRNed
If you reached this post is a sign that you feel the same as me when writing. Feel like taking all the doubts Portuguese before writing your text. One or “etc.” but always ask yourself whether or not to put a comma before, You can put some point
I always had the curiosity to know who wins the battle between consumer electric shower shower vs. gas. I confess that my bathroom is one of the fastest, but always get a bad conscience when I'm taking a shower and the water is heated by the gas system. I am very temp
Bruno Cunha give you tips on budget control! Who am I to do such a thing right!? I am not trained in finance, never seen financial mathematics, never made any specific course for that area, but I can say I've read some interesting books on the subject, Visite a
With this change in my job I had to study a little more on Private Pensions and Income Tax (IR) to find a middle ground in this regard that befitted my salary. After much research and study came to the conclusion that those who have no pension Privad
I'm always very careful in the choice of programs that use. Long since abandoned Nero and am in search of the best program for burning CDs and DVDs to My Profile (demanding + practical + simple). This went through my search InfraRecorder (which is good) but does not work in
At the time of supply, for those who have flex (still not my case), worth reading matter Replacing gasoline with alcohol is not worth more in São Paulo, PNA shows, which reports that the advantage of putting in the car alcohol is achieved only when to represent this 70% value qu
For those who travel a lot by plane this tip will be great. Below are two websites that I recommend to perform a search for airline tickets. You inform the origin, target, the period and they look at you in various companies. Worth knowing: Mundi ViajaNet Enjoy oppor