For those who travel a lot by plane this tip will be great. Below are two websites that I recommend to perform a search for airline tickets. You inform the origin, target, the period and they look at you in various companies. Worth knowing:
Seize opportunities. As seen in the post How to find the cheapest airline ticket for a stretch, some passages can be bought for less than R $ 50.00!!!! How about giving a crazy weekend and meet other city on a Saturday to Sunday!? :)
Meet the airport parking guarulhos and save!
Very nice your post. I really enjoyed…. In search of cheap ticket I Know this other site… these sites in addition to doing research as Mundi and Viajanet, he has opti prices to travel long distance when u buy at the last minute…. This second acontecen, because they work with Miles.
That's it, is the hint! and congratulations for the initiative's website.
For those who want to stay aware of new promotions airfare tip is to visit the Top Destinations, The Best Destinations was created to have the contents of Fly Discount upgraded and other tips.