I always knew to shorten the hours should use only the "h", never “h” together with “s” (hs) or the “rs” (hrs), but searching the Internet I found an interesting article which further cleared that matter.
I found the article hit the stands for hours that explains it and alerted me to another point, nay, the two points that always insisted on putting.
According to Article, the writing of hours using the colon to separate the time of minutes (ex.: 07:30) It is wrong and the correct, for our Portuguese, would use letter “h” for this function (ex.: 07h30).
Since then I never wrote emails using the colon to separate the time of minutes or seconds. To prefer to find that is much more readable.
Another lesson learned and I have helped.
It “teaching” without knowing, boy?!
Article is wrong. The truth is 12.30 for example.
Some grammarians argue that it is okay to write with h when determining time (7h in the morning) and when determining duration pm (open 24 hs). And the zero before the simple numbers is unnecessary. No one talks about zero-zero-three hours or nine hours. As for the two points (:), This is an international standard for time division group numbers (see on calculators or time on your mobile), as well as the decimal numbering the thousands are separated by points, as well as decimals are are separated by commas, despite our cultural colonialism to the reversal -eg, It is often said “engine two point zero (2.0)”, but most do not know this number in the body of the cars means liters; so, the right would say two-liter engine (2,0 l).
Show, I will do so TBM
I managed to get my question. Thank you.
It is optional to use "me" for short minutes!!!!
07h30 não. 07h30min.
Very good!!!
The more I study my language, the less I understand. :(
Informação pouquíssimo profunda. Deixou muito a desejar. Pesquisa mal feita, preguiçosa. Note 0.
Olha Bruno, I knew I would not use anything beyond the numbers and h, but I looked in the International System of Units and there is the correct 7 h 30 my, with space. More this!!!
Dudu, pass the link of the page where you saw it. I find it strange writing “7 h 30 my” with the spaces, but would like to read the article to understand the explanation for this rule.
Olá Bruno, I do not know if are years writing wrong ex: 09:00 hrs, I find it strange that now: 09h.
Hello Fatima. I believe this question is even usual. Already adopted as a standard formed “09h30”, with “h” in the middle instead of “:” and I got used. Try to always write with “h”, without “rs” as the end, according to Article, is grammatically incorrect.
if I write the year 2.013 will be winning.
My question is if it is correct on the point numerals 2013
Swear by God to write 7:30 hs is wrong?????????
very good partnership vcs,thanks thanks a lot!
rafael, 07:30min does not exist
valeo for the tip,v6 and really helped.
To complement the good reading: http://www.pucrs.br/manualred/datas.php
It's amazing how even in portuguese lessons?s learned all :D
e look for 07 h in point ??
07h00 ??
Carla oil. For exact times, always use the hour numeral and then “h”. Can suppress the minutes. Ex: 07h.
Hope this helps.
The abbreviation of minutes(my) é optional.
07h30 is not yet correct…07:30 is right ( n forget the minute)
no no . 07h30 is correct also in the same way 07:30 . look http://www.escolakids.com/como-abreviar-as-horas.htm
Good night Bruno! Just to complement, if I'm not mistaken, can be used as follows: 07:30min e/ou 07h30 (like you said). Hug!
Actually this is an interesting point, Portuguese is good if the details or h hs… You never know how to do right.