If you reached this post is a sign that you feel the same as me when writing. Feel like taking all the doubts Portuguese before writing your text. One or “etc..” but always ask yourself whether or not to put a comma before, You can put some point after etc.. or they can use etc.. to a list of people. All these questions have crossed my mind and because of that I decided to write this post to clarify the doubts regarding the use of the abbreviation etc..
Meaning etc.
Everywhere you look on the internet meaning etc.. first is shown the concept that short. Here could not fail to follow this rule.
Etc. it is, really, an abbreviation of the term Latino and other (also et cetera or and any others) where “and” corresponds to the combination “and” and “cetera” a “the rest“; “other things” (of the same species); “so on“.
It is usually used at the end of a sentence to represent the continuation of a logical sequence, at the end of a list.
Ex: Maria went to the market and bought apples, bananas, vegetables, breads, etc..
In this case, etc.. demonstrates that Mary bought these items and other things, it need not be mentioned in the text. Imagine having to know all the 50 items that Mary bought! It would even be a bore. Throughout the post I will create questions that reflect the most questions and try to answer them according to the grammatical rule of our wonderful English.
Should I use a comma before etc..?
The use of the comma before etc.. é facultativo. This question is a little hazy, but try to explain. As etc. has implied the conjunction “and”, then in a sequential list should not be placed comma. The phrase would be something like:
Ex: Maria went to the market and bought apples, bananas, vegetables, Pães etc.. (which corresponds to “vegetables, breads and other things.”).
On the other hand, the comma before etc.. it is used by most experts, writers and estava always present in the texts of the agreements spelling of the Portuguese language 1943 and 1990. As in Portuguese we have the possibility of adopting something to be used by most, term known as consecration by the use, then eventually made the use of the comma before the abbreviation etc..
By the simple act of consecration by the use, the use of the comma before etc.. made up optional.
Can I use etc.. a list of names of people?
Not, and can not be completely wrong. A list of persons could not be completed with the words “and other things”. Could?
Ex: John was taking classes with friends Fernando, Maria, Jorge etc..
That would correspond to: “John was taking classes with friends Fernando, Maria, Jorge and other things”.
Like the idea of the writer is to show that John was having class with more people than your friends Fernando, Maria by Jorge, then the correct abbreviation for this case would be “et al.“, meaning “and other”.
Ex: John was taking classes with friends Fernando, Maria, Jorge et al.
That would correspond to: “John was taking classes with friends Fernando, Maria, Jorge and other”.
Can I use a different point in the end after etc..?
The point after “etc.” is to show that this word is an abbreviation, similarly we put a point “tel.” to abreviarmos “phone” or “cell.” for abreviarmos “cellular”.
When etc.. is located at the end of a sentence, this point abbreviation automatically becomes an end, it is not necessary to add a point for this latter meaning.
A phrase like “…roles, pens, borrachas etc...” would not be correct. Moreover, there is no such punctuation in the English language, with two consecutive points. Or use three points (suspension points) or two overlapping “:”.
But in an interrogative sentence, I put the question mark after etc..?
In this case, as the point is different from end, then yes you can use it after the abbreviation etc.. If it was not possible, as I mount the above question?
Write “etc. e.” is correct?
Looking for the meaning etc.. upstairs you will already be able to answer this question.
The use of “and” preceding the abbreviation “etc.” is not correct, because “and” already implicit in the abbreviation.
Use ellipsis “…” together of so. is correct?
Use “etc.…” is not correct. The ellipses have the same meaning “etc.” when employed in an enumerated list and, therefore, its use would be redundant . See the examples below:
Ex: Maria went to the market and bought apples, bananas, vegetables, breads, etc..
Ex: Maria went to the market and bought apples, bananas, vegetables, breads…
The two sentences, both the “etc.”, as with ellipses, the meaning is the same, in other words, “bananas, vegetables, breads and other things”.
As ellipsis can be used with other meanings, but these are beyond the scope of this post.
Have any further questions regarding the use of etc..? Write to me in the comments area below, which I will try to help you.
From what I understand, You can instead use point (.) after ”etc.”both as shorthand point,as endpoint. no case, using as shorthand, What comes after the letter remains minuscule, if used as end point, uppercase.
In a sequence of different items, as an example a shopping list:
* meats: swine, bovine etc.;
* Vegetables: potato, lettuce, carrots etc.;
* so on.
correct is the use of the semicolon?
You can put the final point after etc.. and there are more things to write?