The Legend of Ruff Ghanor is a book commissioned for a universe created in a game of RPG online, written by Leonel Caldela, with an addictive story and very well developed. Those who follow the Nerdcast knew the universe and was waiting a long time to continue a work or simply relive this world so exciting for the fans by the medieval times.
The Legend of Ruff Ghanor came to tell the story of a very distant a past character, recently discovered by a band of adventurers of a role-playing adventure in a cave long forgotten. The Master JovemNerd, to allow his warriors vencessem a powerful dragon, introduces the plot the tomb of a great warrior, with powerful weapons and able to defeat him (listen here this fantastic RPG adventure). This tomb was only a stop-gap solution, without much connection to the story, The Legend is Ruff Ghana – The Goat Boy was not written.
Or Leonel talent Caldela, along with the pitacos and the excitement of the duo Alexandre Ottoni (JovemNerd) Pazos and Deive (azaghal), managed to develop a work that, I daresay, done better than the tale itself RPG. Can be influenced by my preference to books that other types of works, but I'm sure this first volume is something that medieval fantastic stories of lovers must read for duty (for being fantastic!) – – – excuse the pun ;).
Ruff Ghanor
A powerful name, who talked properly can end up with all the air from your lungs, created unintentionally by JovemNerd, and lowered by Leonel Caldela a simple boy lost in a cave, which is now called “The Goat Boy” By an unfortunate coincidence involving a runaway goat.
This first volume develops the story of Ruff Ghanor, unraveling the mysteries of his birth, as was trained by strict prior of St. Arnold mostreiro and his warriors clerics, and how it became so powerful in an era dominated by the evil and oppressive red dragon named Zamir.
As said, this series is a commissioned book, written to take money from you and fill the nerd double pockets, but I only have one thing to say to them: pick up my money and then give me the next book!!!
For those who like fantasy fiction in medieval land that is required reading, both the zeal to maintain coherent narrative of the book with the adventures told in Nerdcast, as for the great script solutions to tie up loose ends left in spoken adventure and the illustrated guide previously released.
As a kid goat has a powerful armor? How can a person become a dragon? Why are not Arnold and St. Arnold, as it would be grammatically correct form of writing? These and many other questions are answered in this first volume.
Making a payola-free, runs there in Nerdstore and also you buy your volume. I guarantee you will not regret.
It, clear, knowing the pair from hearing the Nerdcasts, waited anxious throughout the book for a possible plot twist, but it is a lot of dirty put it in the last sentence of the last page. You finish reading and thinking: Gee! Screwed up! That drug! Now!? Screwed! Where's the next?