Will can not describe the review of this book 7 – The Pagan Lord? As I explained in the last post on The Saxon Chronicles, read the first six volumes in an unbroken sequence,, hence, it is virtually impossible for me to share the stories of individual books.
As I have mentioned in past posts, not every book I read write a review, but all published books that are read.
How much liked the stories Vikings, I have to write another dedicated to this seventh volume.
The Pagan Lord
Again Uhtred Uhtredson Bebbanburg was Uhtred Uhtredson Bebbanburg! An English blood Viking skin that always stirs up trouble wherever he goes, and a person that everyone asking for help when the northern hazard crosses borders.
The story starts with him making a big mess because of his Christian son. Suffer reprisals from the Catholic Church because of it and seen almost a nomadic expelled from their land. At the end, como um grande salvador de Wessex, It is acclaimed by the same people that kicked off their land.
The plot looks the same of previous six books. Begins in lull, It has a Viking invasion and everything ends well, but this time the reader will be concerned by the question that arises: does Uhtred finally dies? After all, Uhtred are past 50 years in The Pagan Warrior and should be considered an old man by the standards of the time.
Despite the apprehension of the end of the seventh book, What is an eclipse when you expect a sunrise, I'm sure he did not die Uhtred.
Had this conviction when entering a Hail and see that the eighth volume, The Empty Throne, already on sale! Although Uhtred be a fictional character, and the history of ancient England have occurred without it, will the saga The Chronicles Saxon survive without its protagonist? I do not think.
I hope then that Bernard Cornwell resurrect Uhtred Uhtredson that sequence and guide us for another great adventure for England from the Viking times!
I loved this seventh book. Needless to push myself to recommend you to read. I am sure that, if you read the first six, certainly it is hungry to participate more this Viking adventure!
If you've read, comment what you think below and we'll talk more about The Pagan Lord.