Sunday, 27/04/2008, was the day of the third stage 2008 Do Kart Riders. The place that was super special stage: Buzios! Unfortunately I could not enjoy the lodge and weekend along with the group, but the race could not lose any way! :)
At this stage I realized the big difference is that running without training. In a very short runway and technical, I could not get it right in qualify and only got the 8th time (had only 8 running) :). During the run, continued not hitting the track and was difficult to reach the 7th place (Leonardo Brazuna). But, after I began to see the blue flags and have to open the prizewinners, I was able to take advantage of a large mole and win the Brazuna seventh place! Uh-hu! Despite the result lol, I loved my race. The important thing is to be with the guys!
Congratulations to Dani for his second first place in the KR-4, this season 2008! This girl is difficult ehn!
Photos below:
BrunoCunha, hi I just matheus direct training in Buzios, dust appears to her again , I stay with you po jokes lol, meu time and 17,320, po and a good time lol vlw
Hello Matheus!
Only once walked in Buzios and when there had step KR.
I do not know still have another battery in Buzios in season 2009, but who knows…
I became very ill when I ran ai. Everyone in my class had trained on the track and I was the only one not trained. Ai gave in which he gave…
peel are worth visiting.
Bruno, thanks for the photos… I'm lucky to be in KR2 as always when shooting some cones appear in photographs.
At this stage of Buzios, trained four times the tracing normal and inverted once in the route.
Gave results, it just debuting on the podium with a 1º place.
This family show is KR, I'm loving…
Yeah Bruno, this step was not good for u, nor?? But really needed to have trained, and this is my "secret", train and listen to my very "technical"…lol
Let's hope the next vc recover, because after a while will not know which step rule…rsrsrsrs