We always want to learn a way to make more money so we can buy the things we need, things we want, things that we do not need, but the reality is we never have the money to meet all these needs. The idea of this post
The blog BrunoCunha.com is in the air for more than ten years and has already, yet, 270 published posts. In that decade he spent two layout updates, already migrated twice from hosting server, spent a long time forgotten, but is now in full force. My main obj
Today I found a website with a totally different business model. In addition to show you many discount coupons for various online stores like Easy Purchase, Americanas.com, Pontofrio, Submarine etc., the Meliuz you still returns a portion of the amount you paid in some of these loj
I decided to write this post to find out what the major sites that visitors to the blog BrunoCunha.com use to consume information on the Internet. After expanding this idea to raise, the formative global, what are the main tools used on the Internet for this purpose. Cree
Who has a blog nowadays has a very powerful tool to disseminate ideas, promote products, closer relations with the public, garner followers, fun people, help answer questions from users, etc., but that everything has a cost. I'm not talking here about cost
My wish was never write posts like this, but, unfortunately, Yahoo! Replies banned my account for no apparent reason. Who knows that accompanies BrunoCunha.com publish posts with tips on technology, that help visitors solve many of their problems
Many purists have spoken that should be the universal language Esperanto, that Deveria lutar against a British língua, because it is dominating the world, but the fact is that speaking English today has become a must if you want to have a good job with a good company. The post hoj
Today, 18 April 2013, I can say that my blog BrunoCunha.com is undergoing a historic moment! After much searching different ways to implement a multilingual site, after testing many WordPress plugins, wrap your head writing the best code CSS (j