A consultant, expert in time management, Assistance would surprise a conference. Pulled under the table um large bottle mouth wide.
Placed it on the table, next to a tray with stones the size of a fist, and asked:
-“Think how many stones that fit this bottle?”
After presents make their conjectures, started to get up stones That filled the bottle. And then he asked:
-“Is full?” Everyone looked at the bottle and nodded that yes. Then he took off under the table a bag with gravel (small pebbles, smaller than the “brita”). The gravel placed in the flask and the stirred. The pebbles penetrated the spaces left by the big rocks. The consultant smiled wryly and repeated:
-“Is full?” This time listeners doubted:
-“Maybe not.”, answered.
– “Very well!”, he said, and laid on the table a bag with sand began to pour the bottle. The sand infiltrava up in small holes, left by the rocks and the gravel.
-“Is full?”, asked again.
-“Not!”, exclaimed gifts. Then the consultant took a pitcher of water and began to pour into the bottle. The bottle absorbed water without overflowing. -“Good, you just demonstrar?”, asked. A listener, more reckless, risked:
-“That no matter how full is our agenda; if we want, always managed to get fit more commitments.”
-“Not!”, concluded the expert, “what this lesson teaches us is that if we do not put the big rocks first, can never place them after … And what are the big rocks in our lives? The loved one, our children, Friends, our dreams and desires, our health.
Remember: Put them always first. The rest will find its place!”
Author Unknown
Contribution of Fabricio Chaves