Do not know if I ever told, but lately have fueled a new hobby very interesting. I'm enjoying reading about astronomy. How interesting that the Earth is the third planet of the solar system, that with respect to our biggest star, Sun. Before we, Only Mercury and Venus. You must be wondering why my fascination since this is something that we learn in science there in primary, but my admiration is exactly about the things we did not learn in school. I had no notion of the mass of the Sun has, how there are so many other galaxies, there are so many other floating objects in the universe, and we're a blue dot floating in the fluid universal, plasma not escuro, we're not sure how we came but the idea that is expanding. We are a nothing in the middle of everything.
I was very impressed when I heard (it was dif-ficult to imagine) the mass of the Sun and felt sad, razed, clueless, When I informed him that there are distant stars that have 20 solar masses. FACE!!! It clueless!!!!
Want further information? A young star, a ridiculous size compared with the universe, size being equal to the state of São Paulo, that when exploded, released within an amount of energy 20 Suns. But okay. Becomes clear when scientists explain that it was a star of protons and neutrons… rsrsrrrsrs AH! When this event occurred, our electronic gadgets (from space satellites to the little radios cell) suffered interference.
Complete, still in my mi-ne studies, we are a mini-mum point, in the middle of nowhere and a potential target for all. Yes, meteors and meteorites. Then I will speak more of them…
That's it-. If viajei, was for fun…
*Remember: There is a world outside and within us! ;)
Cê esqueceu de falar que Plutão deve ser rebaixado à categoria de "não planeta", nor?
Heap of astronomers gathered to study this possibility.
'm Already existential crisis here, hey, studied 900 times that are 9 the planets of the solar system… Now, a bunch of crazy solves demote Pluto from the harmful. I Do not Conform… hahaha
Look, not feel homesick, come visit us, check same day that Marina can come and we laugh Tantao.
This time, the Gripen, hope!