Source: The People Newspaper
Fortaleza-CE, Friday, 5 March 2004
Not only older people, but young people do experience that everything is speeding excessively. Yesterday was carnival, within no Easter will, a little more, Christmas. This feeling is illusory or real basis has?
By “Schumann resonance” if you want an explanation. The parti-W German musician. The. Schumann constatou, in 1952, that the Earth is surrounded by a powerful electromagnetic field – formed between the ground and the bottom of the ionosphere – which is about 100 km above us.
This field has a resonance (hence-calling Schumann resonance) more or less constant in the order of 7,83 pulses per second. Functions as a kind of pacemaker, responsible for the equilibrium of bionosfera, common condition of all life forms. It was also observed that all vertebrates and our brain are endowed with the same frequency 7,83 hertz.
Empirically became the realization that we can not be healthy outside this frequency natural biological. Whenever astronauts, because of space travel, were outside the Schumann resonance, sickened. But submitted í action of a “simulador Schumann” recovered their equilibrium and health.
For thousands of years, the heartbeat of the earth had this frequency pulse, and life unfolded in relative ecological balance. That occurs from the years 80 and more sharply from the early 90, the frequency rose from 7,83 to 11 and 13 hertz per second. The heart of the earth shot. Coincidently, ecological imbalances were felt: climatic disturbances, greater activity of the volcanoes, growing tensions and conflicts in the world and a general increase in deviant behavior of people, others. Due í general acceleration, the journey 24 hours, really, is only 16 hours. Therefore, the perception that everything is going too fast is not illusory, but would have real basis of this disorder Schumann resonance.
Gaia, this living superorganism that is Mother Earth, should be seeking ways to return to its natural balance. And you will get it, but we do not know at what price, to be paid by the biosphere and human beings. Here opens the space for esoteric groups and other futuristic scenarios projecting sometimes dramatic, disasters with terri-ble, sometimes hopeful as í irruption of the fourth dimension, by which we will all be more or less intuitive, more spiritual and more in tune with biorhythms of the Earth.
Not intend to strengthen this kind of reading. Just emphasize the thesis between recurrent major biologists and cosmologists that the Earth is, actually, um superorganismo life, that Earth and humanity form a single entity, as astronauts witness their spaceships. We, Humans, we feel that Earth, think, e loves scallop. Because we are so, have the same nature and are surrounded by bioelectrical same resonant waves Schumann.
If we want the earth to rediscover your balance must start with ourselves; do everything without stress, more serenely, with more love, which is essentially an energy harmonizing. For this, matter have the courage to be dominant anticulture, which requires us to be more competitive and effective.
We need to breathe together with the Earth for conspiring with her for peace.
Based on the assumption that the second term is the 9.192.631.770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium atoms 133 and knowing that the electrons are influenced by the movement of translation and rotation of the Earth, and probably of the Schuman Resonance, we are forced to believe that our days are numbered. (not resist the joke) Seriously, since there is now a corrective action time, where every few years are corrected the 2nd, but I think going through 24h to 16h is more alarming, no Sr. Boff?
But it is interesting…
Contribution of Adriana.