The Masters in Project Management Software has almost finished, just missing my monograph, but this group work (Alam Braga, Bruno Cunha, Fernanda Smiderle e Michel Saddock) on Requirements Management, discipline for Quality Management Software, Professor Claudia Hazan, given enough work.
This work defines a way to implement Requirements Management, following the model MPS.Br, sector in developing systems of a large company, despite the sector being lean and.
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Software Engineering is a fairly recent science compared to other engineering fields such as civil, Naval among others [SOMMERVILLE, 2007] and, therefore, many areas have no defined patterns best practices, processes that must always be followed and rules that can never be set aside. This makes any work involving software development task definitions of paths to be followed and decisions to be made that often have never been seen before.
In software development, the perfect way to get to it is through the process definition, who are always being analyzed, reviewed and enhanced to improve this development.
In the Requirements Management, this constant improvement is not different. Requirements are associated with the major problems of software development [LEFFINGWELL, 1997], and effort to manage them properly prevents re-work, delays in schedule, exceeded costs and dissatisfied customers and users of software [KOTONYA & SOMMERVILLE, 1998].
The paper makes a study on best practices adopted in today's market, in relation to Requirements Management, and proposes a customized process to a life cycle of software development, an industry software development, from an average company.
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