I was, andando no Barra Shopping, when passing in front of the store of course, Cloudy Day on Sunday 27/08/2006, I noticed that my phone still stubbornly not appear to showcase the main store. (reparou NO “My” nor?) For pure suffering and a sense of endless search, entered the store and went to see the showcase internal. I almost fell-back. There he was, looking at me, saying “Buy me”. Yes, he was there in the window!!!!!!!!!!!
With a feeling of intense happiness and the beginning of pain bank account, asked the clerk if it was the w810 or w810i. She said that this phone was not yet. MMMEEEENNNNTTTTIIIRRRAAAA!!!! Olha elements or cabinets!
The girl was really wrong and I was not seeing things. The phone had arrived a short time and she did not know.
I took the password 47 and waited. He spent 42, 43… 46 and finally I! Was attended and after checking all the possibilities payment, account, transfer, discounts, documents, these bureaucracies, put his hand on MY CelulALL. It is simply more! Just because coffee does not have cable for this! :) lol
Now is the phase of learning, Read the manual, PC installation, customization, changing MP3tongs, arrangement of contacts and other little things of Heavy Users (eu).
Many people will say that's bullshit, which is very expensive just for talking on the phone, but I say that this is a portable device for entertainment, professional organization, facility studies, connectivity and that also makes phone calls! :)
I do not advise buying this handset for those who only use the phone. It is much more than that! All who have, say the phone functionality is only a complement… ;)
That! It is my! Wow!
*Viviane, Thanks for waiting! ;) After compensate're? rsrs bjs
w810i: Of course it is no surprise
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or!!… I know that the territory is almost net public(hardly.. it is public)… but when I do the first invasion(ah ham… this means that Mr. runs a serious risk of me see why aki = P )usually apologize for the same(puro "H"… I like to invade =])
Enton… I tenhu of these… ta is in reality not… er is the prime means… His oldest… but I take care of my sister's unit… enton is practically my tb ^ ^
and really is everything… congratulations lad!!! discovering where the cable pro I notice cafezinhu ;-)
Will kill you.
I have not been charged here, always come but only saw that his big problem unsolved.
Now it seems that solved, nor?
Then, each with their problem. Sure would like to have one of their – problems – not mobile…
Congratulations on toy, achieved with your effort. That yes, no price.
Speaking Fabricio!
PO, this only gives your Motorola problems ehn!
Muda pro sim w810i! Ele é show!!!!!!!
Ah muleki!!!
Congratulations on your purchase!!!
Now only remains missing my… I put my new Monstrorola assistance. That pile of dung does not work right. Monstrorola never again !!!