With this change in my job I had to study a little more on Private Pensions and Income Tax (IR) to find a middle ground in this regard that befitted my salary. After much research and study came to the conclusion that those who have no private pension today may be losing money for the Lion in the form of income tax. Today there is an incentive for the IRS private pension systems and the type PGBL FAPI up 12% on gross earnings for withdrawal from IR.
Every month we pay a percentage deducted from income tax. This value is calculated following the Rates of Income Tax Withholding available on the IRS website.
What I'm trying to demonstrate is the advantage of contributing to a private pension plan (or Pension) tax as an incentive to pay less income tax. There is trick, is not "Mandingo", not mislead the Lion, law is even. Furthermore, 'll provide a quieter retirement, with more money to receive, beyond salary INSS.
Assume the following values, in accordance with aliquots of 2010, for a person who does not contribute to private pension:
Gross Salary: R$5.000,00
Discount INSS: R$375,82 // Ceiling for salaries above R $ 3,416.54
Discount IR: R$578,87 // ((Salt. Brutus - INSS) * 0,275) – R$692,78
Net earnings: R$4.045,31
These values annualized (13th counting and holidays) give:
Gross Annual Salary: R$70.000,00 // 5.000 * 14 –14 13th due to holidays and–
INSS annual discount: R$4.885,66 // Ceiling (375,82) * 13
Discounted annual IR: R$9.593,09 // ((Salt. Bruto Anual – INSS anual) * 0,275) – R$8.313,35
Net Annual Salary: R$55.521,25
As this simulation are not being contemplated other deductions as dependent, medical expenses etc.., the tax will be refunded is R $ 0.00, because you should R$9593,09 and this value was correctly deducted in the year. (this is the time that we sit down and cries lamenting the Lion bite or try to do a lot of trickery to circumvent the software and increase the chances of falling into the fine mesh).
Now I have to prove what is the advantage of investing 12% wage a private pension (PGBL you FAPI) and ease the bite of the lion, well as ensuring more income in your retirement.
Taking the same data ...
Gross Salary: R$5.000,00
Discount INSS: R$375,82 // Ceiling for salaries above R $ 3,416.54
Foresight: R$600,00 // 12% Sal. Gross
Discount IR: R$413,87 // ((Salt. Brutus - INSS – Foresight) * 0,275) – R$692,78
Net earnings: R$3.610,31
These values annualized (13th counting and holidays) give:
Gross Annual Salary: R$70.000,00 // 5.000 * 14
INSS annual discount: R$4.885,66 // Ceiling (375,82) * 13
Annual pension: R$8.400,00 // 12% Sal. Annual Gross
Discounted annual IR: R$7.283,09 // ((Salt. Bruto Anual – INSS anual - Annual Pension) * 0,275) – R$8.313,35
Net Annual Salary: R$49.431,25
Now for the considerations. The first observation is that will surely scream: My net salary lowered very!!! Annualized have a difference of R $ 6,090.00!!! It is more than a paycheck!!!
But it is precisely now that you got! You had rather a greater expense for he began to contribute to the Pension Plan (R$8.400,00), but ultimately, only reduced its annual gain of R $ 6,090.00!!! What I mean by that? You have left to play out R $ 2,310.00, What is the difference IR due, in the first case, without foresight, would be eaten whole damn hungry lion by the IRS.
This way you get to ride a saving for their retirement and to give soft money pro lion.
You can start giving excuses saying he does not know about tomorrow, we simply have it all now while they're roasting alive, that business economy is unstable and can return a Color of life and you take everything. I will agree with you that all of these events can happen even, but are much more difficult than before. The Brazilian economy is stronger, interest rates are, somewhat, controlled, life expectancy of the Brazilian becoming increasing more and we need to think ahead from now.
What I regret is not having contributed 12% salary from my first salary!!! :)
The PPR profit participation enters the account of the gross annual salary?
Hello I would like a help to know if compeça me make private pension, PM'm with the salary I earn my redimentos of 2013 They were: 47.857,99, official social security contributions: 5.309,68, withholding tax:1.977,41, exempt income and non-taxable: 1.006,16, Thirteenth:3.159,93, Participação result we:1.774,14, dispesas medicas: 1.024,25, from already thank you
I want to know which bank charges management fees of private pension barato.E more one has to pay tax renda.Tenho 19 years,I thought of investing,More high rates of banks turned me off of my city.
Olá Isis! Your question is very important! Each bank charges an annual management fee that ranges between 1,5% and 2% year. Unfortunately I have a list of banks and their rates. You will have to search for each bank in your city. My tip is to also look at insurers, because they also provide this type of service. About income tax, there are two forms of taxation, known with investment contracts and funds. On this point, you can visit the link below which is quite enlightening. Hope this helps! http://invertia.terra.com.br/previdencia/interna/…
Remembering that to assert 12% has to do the full statement, not worth for simplified where the guy u already have a deduction 20% on taxable income. So the account is not simple. You will have to declare more things to get this refund money.
Bruno, when I have time I will redo the math for this is not 10% on restitution.
Bruno, In addition each time they make a contribution u(Application) in private pension u pay a fee 5% the value to the bank but the rate that varies administracao 1,5 a 2% year.
I have to do the math at the end to see if it really pays off, I was now in doubt.
Congratulations for the work.
Would you like to AN ALERT!
Technically not'll get all this value lion refund, since when u get the money for the welfare lion bites again(rs).
I would like to point out that making a PENSION is no playground, it is a planning LONG TERM.
Hereafter, to redeem their investments, income tax to pay depends on the tax regime chosen by sparing the hiring plan and will be ON TOTAL rescued and not only on income derived from the investment. Therefore, considers that the reduction of IR is a postponement, not a tax exemption.
?to 2 years: 35%
?2 a 4 years: 30%
?4 a 6 years: 25%
?6 a 8 years: 20%
?8 a 10 years: 15%
?from 10 years: 10%
Let's assume that every year is more or less restores the value of R $ 2,160.94 due to the application of 12% gross income.
In ten years, you'll have £ 21.609,4 Cumulative refund, when rescue, after 10 years, grab the lion 10% this value, namely, 2.160 real.
Furthermore, the lion eats 10% all value applied in the example was 7200 Real, in ten years, not counting interest, would u 72.000 real, less 10% bite, would 64.800 real.
Total net = 21.609,4(Refund) – 2160(10%) + 72.000(value applied) – 7200(10%) = 84.249 real.
To know how much actually goes back refund for vc, without thinking of Interest, acid se- 21609(refund) – 2160(bite on restitution) – 7200(bitten on the amount invested) = 12.249 actual applied divided by ten years = 1224, 90.
Thus, in theory, vc returned, really, only 56% daquele value, since in the future the lion bites again as explained.
I think that even compensates yes, now, if to draw in less than 10 years will have is prejudice.
So know you guys may not need that money.
Bom dia Bruno ,
First congratulations for your article .. I've been trying to convince people to do also a pension plan.
I started to invest in private pension a few years ago , just to decrease the load IR , but one thing is still not very clear to me ….. " At the time of redemption " Suppose you receive regular monthly retirement(INSS) + private pension . The discount will be by the progressive(as happens today with the salary) or taxation of private pensions will be separate(exclusive taxation) ?
Alberto Messias
Congratulations for the excellent article. But I have a doubt. When making a private pension, as with the right incentives to the IRS ? Somehow I have to tell my company that I am paying plan prev. Private, correct ? How does this process ?
A hug
@ Antonio: The only models that give private retirement incentive 12% models are PGBL and FAPI (Retirement Fund for Individual Scheduled). A Previndus, plan FIRJAN, FAPI is the type and, therefore, has this incentive.
If you have previndus, automatically FIRJAN already know this and already takes this into consideration when generating the discount IR. Thus the IR already discounted much smaller.
Another tip is to Previndus contribute more and get a higher percentage of participation FIRJAN. This way your money will earn double. Example: if you contribute 1% the main and most 9% in complementary, FIRJAN will also pay the same amount for you! This I did not understand when I walked in and unfortunately gave Previndus mole. If you want a better explanation on this specific question, link me to give you a tip.
What I recommend is you make the right calculations to achieve these 12% de incentive.
Bruno, beautiful subject matter and well explained. Pity really you coud leave FIRJAN to know it. Really worth having a private pension, not only by this economy, but having a retirement(is nowadays and when you get there you still have retirement) better. Now we can not forget that all this, because the INSS does their part, in other words, collect two taxes, to have the benefit. For me, or private pension paid or INSS, or who had private pension could reduce the contribution of the INSS. In this country pay taxes twice. Private pensions X INSS, Health Plan X INSS, IPVA X Tolls on roads. These are some examples that are lighter bitributados. But let the last of Carnival, because this year is the World Cup. Viva Brazil, living a visual. Hugs.
@ Kadu: It is, we need to pay for health insurance if we pay taxes that will fund public health expenditure? Why we need to put bars on our homes if we pay taxes for public safety? Should be discounted only those services that do not need to pay particular form. As I said to Peter Theodoro up there, stop cashing my INSS I turn alone with my retirement!
Thanks for visiting Kadu!
Caro Bruno,
I would like to congratulate him on his work and contribute one more argument.
Talk about the INSS, changing its payment scheme to retirees according to the need for treasure box, that each year has decreased the amount paid to retirees for "lack of money” or "lack of shame of politicians” because, whether inflation is passed.
Now retired, I also regret not having made a pension, what I get is just 20% my last earned before retirement, is soft.
@Pedro Theodoro: I understand the frustration of today's retirees. Really the INSS has more cash to fund retirement. Thinking about it I entered the private pension early. Worst of all is the feeling that I have, since the discount my INSS is to ensure a future retirement, because the government does not leave that choice on my own? Why should I deduct from my salary and for the government to keep it for me? Let me plan my best to invest this money and choose the best way to retire.
Thank you for visiting! :)
Ola Pedro, you can not choose because it is an individual right guaranteed by the federal constitution and we can not give up individual rights guaranteed even if we so desire.
This is a legal matter, even more this time of year. And let's let's you!
It is, I had forgotten that there is a limit (to 12.743,63). In this case, your choice is still the best. But, if the annual salary is slightly lower, in other words, to 63718.15 or monthly until 4551,30, can it be worth the simplified declaration?
@Moriya: Oh you're right even. If the 20% the annual salary is within the threshold discount, the R $ 12,743.63, and you no longer have any other type of discount that exceeds this value, the best will be simplified.
This reflection is good because it alerts us to know the rules of calculation of rebates is the best way to decide what to do. Thus we do not take action passive simply change the program's revenue simplified option for full and vice versa. Now we can actively plan for the year and decide the best strategy for our case.
Thanks for the help Moriya!
The text really interests me but, Carnival is. I will read later!
Fala Bruno!!!
U already tried to put in their comparison, use the simplified derivation?
My hair calculations, the balance would not only 2310, but 2506. A more troquinho…
With these 2506 (and further 5894) , vc applies its 600 * 14 = 8400 as you, not necessarily a private social security.
Grande Moriya!
You alerted me to something: how is the calculation of the simplified declaration and its advantages.
Seeking ai, found the site IR 2009: SIMPLIFIED OR COMPLETE? that helps answer this question. As stated on the website “deductions are replaced by a standard discount 20% on taxable income, provided that the discount does not exceed the value of R $ 12,194.86“. Picking up a set of values for the year 2010, the site Start now to plan the declaration of IR 2010! reports "In simplified declaration, the standard discount of R $ 12,194.86 on the taxable income to define the basis for calculating the IR also rises to R $ 12,743.63”.
Following the example of my post, a person with annual salary of R $ 70,000.00, would, not simplified model, annual salary of R $ 57,256.37 (70.000,00 – 12.743,63). Thus the annual withholding tax would be R $ 7,432.15 (Salt. Gross * 0,275 – R$8.313,35), case without pension and without the incentive of the INSS. As the amount of withholding tax was R $ 9,593.09 and should have been R $ 7,432.15, we will have a refund of R $ 2,160.94.
But continuing with the idea of Private Pension, with IRRF annual R $ 7,283.09, declaring no simplified model, discount of R $ 12,743.63, then we have a refund of R $ 5,460.54? Of course not right. In this case the recipe should calculate the tax on the gross annual, disregarding the incentives of private pension and Social Security, giving a return of R $ 2,160.94 even.
Now, if we add R $ 8,400.00 of pension with the INSS R $ 4,885.66 R $ 13,285.66 will, which is more than R $ 12,743.63 incentives for simplified. So, bullet if you have to keep the needle 12% investment in security and cash straight INSS, I believe that is still being lead to the complete.
I hope to have generated more worms in your head, because I liked the challenge of having to understand the simplified model. :)
Big hug Moriya!
dear friend enjoyed the information + today I 42 years and gain range 3000 with sales representative with company records, procentimento and which contributes to start and is quiet on future, me guidance ok!