For those who studied hard and managed to pass the PMP certification exam, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP or PMI-ACP, Now starts the cycle of obtaining PDUs needed to maintain each. Each certification has a three-year validity, with the renewal conditions
As escrevi the post Bruno Cunha is now PMP!, after several months getting ready, managed to pass the certification exam from the Project Management Professional (PMP). My intention in this post is to report that my long walk, from choosing where to study, until the day of the race
For those who accompany me to a few months (8) know that I had been studying for the Project Management Professional certification practically every day. The road has been long, undergoing a preparatory course for certification in 72h ProjectLab, then more 2 meses e meio de est
The Masters in Project Management Software has almost finished, just missing my monograph, but this group work (Alam Braga, Bruno Cunha, Fernanda Smiderle e Michel Saddock) on Requirements Management, discipline for Quality Management Software, Teacher