That you have Windows XP SP2 does not know it, but SP2 has implemented a safety limit in Windows XP 10 The request number of simultaneous connections opening. Who does not know this limit, feels no lack of having more than 10, but for some, it is essential.
First, because Micro $ oft has implemented this?
Viruses and worms now spread through the micros that infect, opening several simultaneous connections to random IP addresses, looking for security holes that can be used to infect the machine. As they open several simultaneous connections and many of them are failed connections, not to find the IP address, Micro $ oft decided to limit these simultaneous connections to slow the spread of these harmful.
Too cool it, but it hinders my P2P program (eMule, Shareaza, Kazaa)… :( These types of programs, when they need to get the source files from the download list, try to open multiple simultaneous connections to streamline research, but then-enters the WinXP and limits on 10! :(
A question to clarify: Windows XP SP2 keeps active over 10 simultaneous connections, so do you use MSN, Mozilla, Firefox, Internet Explorer, DAP, and other 20 programs at once, but these connections are active and do not attempt to open connection. Understood!? :)
Below is the description of the Micro $ oft why she implemented this security:
Limited number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts
See the Microsoft website
Detailed description
The TCP/IP stack now limits the number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts. After the limit has been reached, subsequent connection attempts are put in a queue and will be resolved at a fixed rate. Under normal operation, when applications are connecting to available hosts at valid IP addresses, no connection rate-limiting will occur. When it does occur, a new event, with ID 4226, appears in the system`s event log.
Why is this change important? What threats does it help mitigate?
This change helps to limit the speed at which malicious programs, such as viruses and worms, spread to uninfected computers. Malicious programs often attempt to reach uninfected computers by opening simultaneous connections to random IP addresses. Most of these random addresses result in a failed connection, so a burst of such activity on a computer is a signal that it may have been infected by a malicious program.
What works differently?
This change may cause certain security tools, such as port scanners, to run more slowly.
How do I resolve these issues?
Stop the application that is responsible for the failing connection attempts.
This was all to explain the problem, nay, the Micro $ oft solution to the problem of viruses. Had to explain, information is as baseless rumor and not want to generate any more! :)
Now to what matters!
A person with advanced knowledge in information (hacker) generated a patch (crack) to end this limit. This patch works on the file TCPIP.SYS opening limit 50 attempts to open simultaneous connections. This is already very good for my P2P! ;)
The operation is very simple. Just extract the files, that are compressed, and run the application. It detects where the TCPIP.SYS and asks if you really want to patch. He is intelligent and backs up the file before making any changes.
To download the patch, click here.
Site of the author of the patch:
Ok ok ok. This solution is provided by third parties and many people are afraid of these things apply, but I ran on my machine and have not had any problems. Already downloaded was something in my P2P!!!! :)
Hope that helps a lot of people there-…
There, Fabricio, that was what I was talking.
I could be wrong, over this path no longer works.
Already made use of the same, More unfortunately it does count 15 to 0 and leaves the limit 10 of the inve 50.
eu baixei o path e esta pedindo um senha? que senha é essa.?
Takeo, segundo o site do autor, a senha é abc.
Thanks, face. It saved my life eh.
Bocos to that post and commenting that virus .. baaaaa.. mas e claro que o antivírus pega como vírus."pelo amor de deus"..todo programa ou ação não autorizada sera negada."infelizmente inteligencia não da em arvores"….
Sent well partner!!
To a similar problem: have 12 Networked PCs, ate 10 PCS all connected and being used FÜNF good,but when k is greater 10pcs net start Fikar with a huge slowness in all PCs.
Si there I install this patch on all my PCs?? Sera that resolver??
Si anyone has any information ke oo nme help my email / msn is
Good….my problems solved and a client….simple and easy to do.
I will ask you a question
my pc every time I call it a message appears more or less
start microsoft xp professional goals and beneath her
as if it were another format
is to take
Your site displays incorrectly in Firefox, but content excellent! Thank you for your wise words:)
is not so off that path ta with virus . lower the orbit downloader for low here that it helps
No problem, is as follows'm testing and once you have a good point I move to AC´s … But q gives to block these port it gives … rsrsrsrsrs
AA¢Era®, I can not say for sure. This limit is to open connections, not to connections that perhaps already open.
As for opening doors 5001 and 5002 was a joke to a friend, Mello (James Fuckin Bond). This patch does not open these ports.
I suggest test and post your experience here.
In my case I have the following problem tive. I have a network with 14 machines, one of them is a database program. While I have 10 machines working ok, but when the number 11 try to connect the windows does not release … Ok, okay to open such doors 5001 and 5002, I block it on the router (linux). Personnel who have tested, com esse "patch", I'll be able to connect my 15 máquinas no "servidor" rWindows XP ?
O que vc esqueceu de mencionar foi que esse "patch" actually opens the doors 5001 and 5002 on your machine and it starts to be used as a zombie in DDOS attacks. Lammer! :P
If such a hacker discovered how to increase the number of connections, let's hope pros authors VArus and worms do not adopt this method also! =)
I do not know how I survived until today without this information… ;)