User computer fanatic that I am, ever bothered to leave the computer working when I was not in front of him. At home I use the PC for a while, then turn off the monitor, I do other things, face, I move a little, leave, but always get that feeling that he was wasting on and idle. It was then that I learned of the project Folding@Home, a newsletter Hardware (Time Clube do Hardware no Folding @ Home).
"The Folding @ home project (lê-se folding at home) is a project of Stanford University that aims to understand how proteins enovelam (fold, Folding in English)” [RAINFALL,2008]
Basically, installs an application on your machine and, when it is idle, the program starts to perform various calculations on these proteins and, when completed, sends back the result to the project.
I'm attending! I started yesterday, day 29/09/2008, and installed the application that uses the chipset my video card to perform processing. Show de bola!
To know more details about the project, I suggest the topic moderator Xita (Evandro) created in forum Hardware, Your official homepage.
If you participate, remember to add the number of the team's Hardware (148894).
To see my contribution, see the link below:
Face, really, this idea is super old and the project of Stanford University is just one of many.
I knew of such a project done by our Fiocruz and, in search of information to post here on your blog, I stumbled on this post which gives a fuller explanation of what this scheme of distributed processing.
The first project is over Fiocruz, but they are preparing another. Thus, cool is keep your eyes open for our help before researchers; because, if these searches result in any patent, that is our.
@Rib: Speech!! Surely if the Fiocruz open such a project will adhere! With souber, we reject! []s