The opt-out can be the solution! You are those who feel fear before opening the e-mail inbox? For some this feeling always happen, because nowadays the new emails arrive in volume sometimes “ingerenciável”! In this post I will comment on a great tip to decrease the amount of e-mails you must deal daily.
In the great emails we received cake, of them are important emails, another big part of SPAM and other e-mails with advertisements and newsletters. For the first group, the important emails, You have no other choice but to attack them with the knife in his teeth and solve them. I use various techniques to treat this group, but still not the scope of this post.
For the second group, the emails undesirable (SPAMs), there is only the option to trust and improve the anti-spam filters on your e-mail manager. I use Gmail and filter it is very good, despite mistakes from time to time. No way, you will always have to indicate the anti-sapams filters emails that should not be considered SPAM and indicate that passed through the filter mistakenly.
The reason for this post is to treat those e-mails you must think is SPAM but are not. Many e-mails are considered valid and called newsletters, in other words, you might not even know, but opted for receiving them.
When you subscribe to an e-commerce site, eg (, Submarine, Ponto Frio, etc.), always has an option for you to accept receipt of newsletters with promotions of these companies.
SPAM x Newsletter
The big difference between a spam and a newsletter type email is that you can choose not to receive the newsletters. Serious companies respect this question and always offer options for the customer to cancel the receipt of such e-mail.
In the case of SPAM you do not have this opt-out. You start to receive them without consent and there is no way to block them. No maximum Filter-the.
Opt-out is the solution
As already remarked, serious companies bother to not pollute the email inbox of your customers and only send e-mails advertising for those who opted for the receipt.
I agree with you that, sometimes, We accept for receiving these emails without really knowing what we are doing this. Often this acceptance is implicit in the terms of service (those texts enormous ever read) or accept options from others that end up going unnoticed. The fact is that you have accepted to receive such emails and the advantage, in which case, It is that you can apply to remove them.
All email serious company comes with an option for you to cancel receiving future emails. This option is known as “Opt-out” and may soon come at the beginning of e-mail or at the very end.
With this option you can indicate to the company that no longer wish to receive such e-mails and, therefore, she no longer send you these newsletters.
This unsubscribe option can come in many forms. Below are some pictures with few options:
Option to opt-out early in the newsletter of
Opção de opt-out no final da newsletter da Empiricus
Opção de opt-out no final da newsletter do Linkedin
Option to opt-out at the beginning of the Submarino Viagens newsletter
Option to opt out at the end of the Submarino Viagens newsletter
Cuidado com o Opt-out falso
Unfortunately not everything is a bed of roses. The spamers (people who send SPAM) They not stand still and implemented a way to validate the e-mails of recipients. As? Putting on their SPAM emails one unsubscribe option that, really, execute a script that tells the Spamer that your email is a real person. This happens when the e-mail link is triggered.
If you click on a fake opt-out, certainly will get a lot more SPAM, because now they'll know your email is valid and a real person, in other words, it has a much better chance of being read.
I recommend reading the post I give tips to recognize a fake email.
As we saw, we have more this option to decrease the amount of unwanted e-mails in our inbox, but we must be careful in doing this cancellation action only in well-known companies.
I hope you enjoyed the tip and, if you still have any doubt, write in the comments below.